ClubSport Aberdeen are here to help support clubs and with many of our partners will help develop and guide clubs to ensure they are safe and sustainable place for members to go and enjoy sport.
There are a variety of different links below that will provide support for your club but you also has access to Sport Aberdeen's Development Team to support you in any club development. They can be contacted by
clicking here.

Help for Clubs - This toolkit is provided by sportscotland and it offers examples, stories, templates and a directory of expertise and information that can be used, shared and developed.
Children First - This is for support with safeguarding in sport whos primary aim is to help volunteers and staff in sports organisations across Scotland to keep children safe by providing advice, consultancy and training on the development and implementation of child protection policies, procedures and good practice.
Club Matters - The Club Improvement Tool is designed to get you thinking about your club, where it performs well, and where there are opportunities to improve. For areas where you need help, the tool will generate a club improvement plan and signpost you to recommended resources to help you develop your club. Watch the video below to find out how to use the tool.